Getting Real1 is a great guide by the team at 37Signals on building software faster and smarter. With 14 chapters and 171 pages, it’s a quick read—thankfully 😇 short and to the point. Here’s a breakdown of the core ideas:
1. Starting Line
Defensive companies can’t think ahead; they can only think behind. They don’t lead; they follow.
- Build for yourself
- Fund yourself
- Constraints force creativity
- Fix time and budget; flex scope
- Pull back scope to stay focused
- Prioritize, stay flexible, and be realistic
- Have an enemy
- Microsoft Project 👹 vs Basecamp 🧗
- Godin’s advice: – ‘Be a better liar‘
- It shouldn’t be a chore
2. Stay Lean
- Less is more
- Mass is created ↑ by thick process, lock-ins, closed data formats, office politics etc.
- Mass is reduced ↓ by simplicity: fewer features, pared-down interface, OSS, and an open culture
- Startups are cool because can change their minds 🧠 quickly
- Lower your cost of change
- Emergence: Complex properties arise naturally within a system
- The 3 Musketeers: A team of 3 for version 1 is often ideal
- Embrace constraints
- Be yourself
3. Priorities
- Focus on the big idea
- Ignore details early on
- Tackle problems only when they arise (it’s a problem when it’s a problem)
- Hire the right customers
- Scale later
4. Feature Selection
- Build half a product
- It just doesn’t matter – start small
- Start with no
- Hidden costs are often overlooked
- Forget feature requests: read them and then discard them
- Hold the mayo – keep it simple
5. Process
- Race to running software
- Get something up quickly and iterate
- Work in iterations
- Don’t expect to get it perfect the first time; let it morph + evolve 🦎
- From idea to implementation
- Brainstorm 🧠⛈️ → sketches → HTML → coding
- Avoid preferences
- Preferences are evil as they create more software
- Done!
- Decisions are temporary so make the call and move on
- Ideas are just multipliers (max double digits) times execution (worth millions)
- Test in the wild
- Shrink your time
- Are you facing a Big problem?
- Break it down into smaller pieces
6. The Organization
- Unity over silos
- Alone time = productivity
- Meetings are toxic – keep them small and purposeful
- Set a timer
- Invite as few people as possible
- Have a clear agenda
- Seek and celebrate small victories
- The most important thing in software development is motivation
- 4-hour quick wins (builds morale, ↑ motivation, reaffirms team is → right direction)
7. Staffing
- Hire less, hire later
- Brooks’ Law: Adding people to a late project makes it later
- Kick the tires 🚗 (take potential new team members on a test drive)
- Look for actions, not words
- Judge hires on OSS contributions
- Some qualities to look out for include
- Quality of work
- Cultural perspective
- Level of passion
- Completion percentage
- Social match
If you want something done, ask the busiest person you know
- Get well rounded individuals
- You can’t fake enthusiasm
- Happy + average > frustrated + great
- Wordsmiths
- Hire good writers (when deciding over a designer, programmer, marketer, salesperson, etc.)
- Good writers know how to communicate
8. Interface Design
- Interface first: Design it before you start coding
- The interface is your product
- Epicenter design: start from the core + build outward
- Three-state solution: regular 💚, blank 🤍, error 🔴
- Context is more important than consistency
- Good copywrighting is key to effective interface design
9. Code
- Keep code simple
- Avoid unnecessary software
- Optimize for happiness – simplify your codebase
- Solving 80% of the problem for 20% of the effort is a major win
- Look for ways around writing more software
- Complexity doesn’t scale linearly with size2
- Don’t seal in data – let it run wild with APIs and RSS feeds
10. Words
- Skip the functional spec
A “spec” is close to useless. I have never seen a spec that was both big enough to be useful and accurate. – Linus Torvalds (from Linux: Linus On Specifications3)
- Use real words, not lorem ipsum
- Personify your product to make it relatable
11. Pricing and signup
- Free samples to encourage singups
- Make signups and cancellations easy
12. Promotion
- Hollywood Launch ⭐: Teaser → Preview → Launch
- Ride the blog wave to generate buzz (can be more effective than advertising, and it’s cheaper)
- Track your logs and engage with your community
- Leave comments on blogs
- Thank people for posting links
- Create ‘buzz’ page to hype your product
13. Support
- Feel the pain and respond quickly
- DIY support – let users help each other
- Tough love: Sometimes. the customer is not always right
- Decided not to support IE5 (7% of market)
- Publicize your mistakes – transparency builds trust
14. Post-Launch
- One-month tune-up: Release a major update 30 days after launch
- Blog regularly to show your app is alive ⛹️♀️
- Focus on important bugs and avoid bloat 👻
- some bugs are more important
- Go with the flow – be open to change
This is the third book I’ve read from team 37signals (after Remote, and Rework), and I continue to appreciate their minimalist philosophy.
Like Amazon’s “Day 1″ mentality, it encourages simplicity, speed and constant iteration.
Overall I’d give Getting Real ★★★★☆.
Extra Reading
- The Pragmatic Programmer – Andrew Hunt, David Thomas
- The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) – Seth Godin
- ↩︎
- Embedded Systems Programming, September and October, 1998 – ↩︎
- ↩︎
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